Tuesday, December 12, 2006


When Waverly and I were at the Christmas tree lighting a week ago, almost everyone had a paper cup in their hand and was sipping some sort of hot, steaming beverage. Hot chocolate? SwissMiss perhaps? Nope. It was Glühwein, or translated into English, "glowing wine" and is only served around Christmas time and meant to warm you up during the cold weather.

Later that evening, we went to Waverly's German teacher's house and her husband demonstrated for us how to make this tasty treat:

Double fist two bottles of red wine (he said not to buy cheap wine) into a pot and heat:

Pour in juice from half a lemon:

Add just a pinch of... err... dump in some sugar:

Add a couple of cloves:

some orange zest:

and two packets of Glühwein Vin Chaud, which is basically all the ingredients above plus some cinnamon in a tea bag:

Bring everything to a boil and serve with a smile:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

First time trying the Glühwein for me. My German teacher and her husband said it's a very common Chrismas drink in Europe. It sure warmed me up in the cold weather. I love experiencing the European culture!