Thursday, November 23, 2006

Bern: A Bear of a Good Time

Life returned back to normal shortly after Scott and Viphak left, and I was back to my usual wake up at noon and lounge around the apartment till Waverly gets back from school schedule.

This past Saturday, we decided do some traveling within Switzerland, and it started out with going to the Swiss Capital -- Bern.

Okay, we really went to Interlaken first but it was such an over hyped, disappointment of a town that I wish to erase it from my memory, and thus, there will be no further mention of it on this blog. In fact, let me just cross this paragraph out right now and let's pretend I never wrote this.

We arrived at Bern in the late afternoon, but much like Switzerland's other cities, you can basically see it all in within 2 hours. One of the highlights included the old town, which featured numerous fountains, clock towers, and an eclectic collection of shops and restaurants. Just by walking around, you wouldn't even know you were in Switzerland's capital, due to the city's small size and its buildings' modest architecture.

And despite the fact that some of Bern's most prominent sites, like its cathedral and parliament building were buried behind ugly scaffolding, we were still able to come away with some bear-riffic pictures (did I mention that the city is named after a bear?)


Anonymous said...

We crashed a party on the street thinking it's free wine and snack sampling and became the laughing stock of the party. I didn't really know what they said and laugh about in German. All of a sudden, people just started laughing. They were kind enough to invite us to join the wine drinking though. Someone asked us to take a picture with them. Oh no, they've got proof on camera. Man, I should've said no.

sai pak said...

Do you know Roger Federer was born in Bern?

Anonymous said...

I have been to Interlaken twice and found it to be quite tranquil, besides this is where you go up to Jungfrau.